Saturday, November 24, 2007


Nelson is 15. He is one of our two time soccer champions on our big league team. Unfortunately he was removed from the team this year due to his own actions. He has had a rough year. He has spent time with the wrong crowd, made some bad decisions and saw his close cousin shot right in front of him. Nelson is a great person with a huge heart. He is a natural leader and always very helpful when we have guests.


Jessica said...

Nelson! What can I say? This young man is truly amazing! I first met him in Jan. 2006 when I traveld to Costa Rica with EDGE Outreach. We became friends instantly, and ever since, I have tried to keep in touch with him. He has blessed my life in so many ways. Nelson has a big heart and he has great leadership qualities. I only hope he learns to use the two things for God one day, because love and leadership are two of the greatest things that can make change.

Tomara said...

Tell Nelson hello! Tomara